Muddy Boots' ventures into the wintry woods |
This morning Muddy Boots Family Nature Club paid a visit to Tryon Creek. About fifty people participated in the morning's activities...
Matthew Collins reads Diary of a Worm to families |
First stop: Story time! Muddy Boots' members listened to Diary of a Worm, a truly wonderful (and hilarious) children's book about the trials and tribulations of life as an earthworm. (Side note: A play about the book, Diary of a Worm, a Spider and a Fly, is playing at the Oregon Children's Theater through February 20th. It is a delightful production and fun for the whole family.)
The lowly earthworm - an essential park resident |
After the story hikers bundled up and hit the trail. It was chilly but no one complained. Children and adults alike got up close and personal with one of the park's most important residents: The earthworm. Hiking guides explained how they breathe (through their skin!), whether or not they grow back their missing half if they get separated (they do, as long as the part includes their hearts and brain), how they prefer to while away the winter hours (curled up inside mounds they create out of dirt), and many more fascinating facts.
OPB gets some candid shots for a fall episode of Oregon Field Guide featuring Muddy Boots at Tryon Creek |
After digging in the dirt and investigating the park's flora and fauna hikers returned to the Nature Center for some hot cider - a perfectly delicious way to warm up and reflect on the wonderful experience of adventuring in the forest.
Warm thanks to Muddy Boots' Jess Hoylman and Angela Fojtik. Their shared inspiration to create a family nature club is a wonderful thing. The Friends of Tryon Creek enjoyed partnering with them for today's activities.